Ecuador: Bio-Cultural Diversity & Social Justice
Have you ever dreamed of visiting another country while earning college credits? This option is closer than you think!
There will be an informational session on Friday, February 22, 2013 in TSPH 127, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
UNM Taos students have been invited to participate in the Summer 2013 Program offered through UNM Albuquerque.
Ecuador: Bio-Cultural Diversity & Social Justice
The University of New Mexico, through the Latin American and Iberian Institute, offers a new study abroad opportunity in intensive program of natural history, cultural history, and language study at UNM and the field site, Cuenca,_Ecuador and Quito , Ecuador. The Ecuador program offers students up to seven semester hours of credit and features a three-day orientation session at UNM, a three-week field experience, and three days of closing seminars at UNM upon return.
Based on human rights and natural rights of Pacha Mama, Mother Earth, the new constitution of Ecuador, Chapter Two, Article 395 affirms that "The State shall guarantee a sustainable model of development, one that is environmentally balanced and respectful of cultural diversity, conserves biodiversity and the natural regeneration capacity of ecosystems, and ensures meeting the needs of present and future generations."
With more than 5000 endemic species, Ecuador is one of the most mega-biodiverse nations on the planet. It is also one of the least developed countries in Latin America. Its leaders and citizens are torn between the obligations to preserve nature and provide for human needs. The curse of oil has skewed its economy and ruined vast tracts of Amazonian forests, but a fascinating and innovative "post-petroleum" era is dawning.
Ecuador lies in Chinchay Suyu, the northwest quadrant of Tahuantin Suyu, the Incan empire of the four directions. The natural and cultural histories of Ecuador are deeply intertwined and illustrate the idea that biological and cultural diversity support and sustain each other.
Please contact Amie Chavez-Aguilar for additional information via email at