UNM-Taos has an open admissions policy, so if you intend to work towards a degree or certificate, all you need is a high school diploma or GED to qualify for admission.
If you are taking courses for personal enrichment, you need not summit your high school diploma or GED document.
The links to the left contain application instructions, tuition and scholarship information, and printable application forms that you can submit by mail, e-mail, or in person at our administrative offices at:
UNM Taos
1157 County Road 110,
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
1157 County Road 110,
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Registration is conducted through LoboPhone by calling (505) 246-2020 or through the University's web site at http://my.unm.edu. L0b0Phone's voice response guides the student through the registration process.
If you would like to speak to an academic advisor to formulate a degree plan or select courses, click here. To speak to someone in Student Affairs, please call (575) 737-6200.