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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Library Newsletter

Spring is the time of plans and projects.

Before we jump into thoughts about Spring we would like to thank everyone who participated in the annual Love Your Library event last month. We were extremely honored to have fourteen UN M-Taos faculty donate their precious creations, expert services, and award-winning publications to benefit the library in the silent auction. We also had eleven businesses from across Taos make donations for door prizes, and Tracy Rae Clark, a local musician, donated her time to entertain the crowd. So, it was truly a community event which made it even more of a success. Our Love Your Library events are fun-raisers, fundraisers, and friendraisers and we believe we accomplished all ofthose goals.

The next event to be sponsored by YOUR college library will be to celebrate El Dia de los Ninos/El dia de los Libros which falls on April 30th. According to the American Library Association website, “Dia is a nationally recognized initiative that emphasizes the importance of literacy for all children from all backgrounds. lt is a daily commitment to linking children and their families to diverse books, languages and cultures.” This diversity in action is something YOUR college library believes in problems that could prevent them from blossoming at this time. We just infant to remind you that YOUR community college library is here to help. We may be able to assist with applying forjobs online or finding the community resources that can address any other issues. Call us at 737-

6242, or call TriCounty Community Services crisis line at 758-1125. As a library we understand literacy be it computer literacy, information literacy, or financial literacy but in a recent course taught by health educator Juliana Anastasoff we learned about mental health literacy. “lt’s all about connecting people with resources,” she stated.

“Accessing and understanding the information to help our community.”

Read the whole Newsletter