The UNM-Taos Nursing Program has been granted “Candidacy Status” by the National League of Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) for Initial Accreditation. Accreditation is a voluntary, self regulatory process by which non-governmental associations recognize educational institutions or programs that have been found to meet or exceed standards and criteria of educational quality. The NLNAC Accreditation process is a peer review effort with National Standards used as a benchmark.
Benefits of Accreditation include aiding in student recruitment and retention and enabling student eligibility for funding support from federal and state agencies. Further, it assists in the improvement of programs as related to outcome measures.
This common core of standards and criteria for accreditation, materials that document compliance, policies, and procedures are based on principles widely accepted in professional education. In order to achieve final accreditation a comprehensive review of the curriculum, faculty, and resources will be detailed in a self study format with the Commission making a site visit.
The UNM-Taos Nursing Program admitted its first class in the fall of 2009 with 16 students. The program is 4 consecutive semesters with the students graduating in December of 2010. The next class will start in the spring of 2011. Pre-requisite and application information can be found on the UNM-Taos homepage, under “Academics” and then “Nursing Program.” Further information can be obtained by calling Kathy Falkenhagen, Director of Nursing at 758-5906.