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Saturday, May 1, 2010

UNM-Taos Klauer Campus now has free bus transportation

After more than five years of hope, talk and negotiation the UNM-Taos Klauer Campus now has bus transportation from the heart of town at the Guadalupe parking lot next to Guadalupe Church. The long awaited public transportation was made possible by an addition to the county-wide gross receipts tax, thanks to support from the County Commission, the Town of Taos and our legislative delegation.

Since its January 19 startup, the Big Blue North Central Regional Transit District bus has been making six round trips per day to match class times at the community college. In addition, it makes 12 stops a day in Ranchos de Taos---six going north and six going south. The twelve passenger coach is fully outfitted with a bike rack and wheelchair access.

In these tough economic times, students facing an hour’s drive round trip have begun getting on board in larger numbers each day. Some go over notes or visit with fellow students. Some snooze. Some just watch the scenery go by. But they all appreciate the free ride. The next time you have an hour to make the full circuit, jump on board!

Click Here to See the Bus Schedule