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Monday, October 21, 2013

Shout Out! Halloween Party!

Shout Out! Halloween Party! 

CASA and the Writing Studio will host a Shout Out, on Thursday, October 31st, from 11 to 2, in CASA. 

What’s a Shout Out? It is a social event where writers get together and read their work. It is a supportive and positive environment where you can find out what other writers in our community are working on. Pieces need not be polished or finished – they do need to be shared and valued.

Please share a story, or academic piece, with our community! We will do readings on the hour (11, 12, and 1).

Center for Academic Success and Achievement 

North Building (Portable)
1157 County Road 110
Ranchos de Taos

Phone: (575) 737-3695

Monday, October 7, 2013

Info Fairs

Fall 2013 Info Fairs 

October 28 Monday
1:30pm - 3:30pm  

International Programs  
Ken Carpenter, Director (at Ledoux location*)  

October 29 Tuesday 

Transfer Day
(at Klauer Campus)Representatives from the following programs will be available: 

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Liberal Arts

November 6 Wednesday 
11:00am-1:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm
College of Education
Early Childhood Multicultural Education Elementary EducationGenevieve Jaramillo
UNM College of Education (at Ledoux location*)

November 7 Thursday 

Myths and Realities of Aging Student Show & Reception
Seven storyboards depicting the theme from the following perspectives: psychological, biological, cultural, spiritual, bioenergetic, environmental, social and economic. Each storyboard is supported by research.
HED 493 class with Jean Ellis Sankari (at Ledoux location*)

November 14 Thursday 

University College: What is the BLA Degree?
Tracy Skipp, PhD, Associate Dean & Senior Program Manager
UNM Taos Bachelor & Graduate Programs about bachelor’s degrees (at Harwood Museum Auditorium)

* These sessions will be held at the UNM Taos Bachelor & Graduate Program office located at 246-B Ledoux Street, in the historic district.
Call 575-758-2828 for more information.
Refreshments provided!
We are located next to the Harwood Museum of Art
575-758-2828 | 

New BLA and BIS programs

Save The Date! 
Thursday, November 14, 2013 
1:30 – 3:30pm 
UNM Harwood Museum of Art 
Arthur Bell Auditorium 
238 Ledoux Street 

UNM-Taos Bachelor and Graduate Programs invites you to find out about our new degree offerings.  The new department of Liberal Arts and Integrative Studies (LAIS) is offering innovative curriculum in the form of two new degrees – the Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) and Bachelor of Integrative Studies (BIS).  Both degrees are appropriate for students looking for a custom-fit degree, using courses from multiple departments for any job-related or advanced academic needs.

Please join us as Tracy Skipp, PhD, Associate Dean, University College,  presents the new BLA and BIS programs, explains the transfer process for current Bachelor of University Studies (BUS) students, and answers questions about how your vo-tech classes transfer to the bachelors degree!

All UNM in Taos students, faculty, prospective students, and the community are welcome!

Mary C. Lutz, M.F.A.
Operations Manager
University of New Mexico-Taos
Bachelor and Graduate Programs
through Extended University

Phone: (575) 758-2828
"LIKE" us on Facebook!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Library September Newsletter

Cover Story

E-books, E-resources, online bookstores, electronic resources, E-journals, electronic databases ----Eeeeeek. We keep hearing that everything is available “online” but what does that mean?
There are so many layers, so many formats, so many portals to these electronic resources that not even a professional librarian, or an extremely savvy computer geek can stay on top of this new “E” world of information and resources. With that said, we would like to encourage you to communicate with your library staff when you are unsure how to access something, or if you want to determine if a particular title or resource might be available online.
This newsletter has always been to showcase the print subscriptions YOUR college library has so you can determine whether or not you would like to come by and check out a magazine or journal. But, as some of you know, YOUR college library also subscribes to many online resources. This is not only key because you have 24/7 access from anywhere but also, because space for print materials is at a minimum at UNM-Taos. When you look at the campus space in square footage, UNM-Taos is one of the colleges in New Mexico with the least amount of space per fulltime equivalent (FTE) student than any other college in New Mexico.
As mentioned in the “Two Tips” on this page, there is no physical bookstore so all textbooks are ordered online. This can cause some issues with getting the item in a timely fashion, having a credit card to order electronically, having a proper address for delivery but on the other hand, it empowers us to choose where we want to order from, at what price, and in what format. Nowadays, you can even “rent” the online book for the semester rather than buying it.
Most of the research databases that provide electronic access to newspaper, magazine and journal articles as well as e-books are purchased with GO Bond money that you, the taxpayers, voted for. Because of that we want to be sure everyone is familiar with what is available and how to access it. We encourage you to go to the library website at and click on “Research Databases” on the menu and just play with what comes up to get familiar with it. There are layers of online materials at your fingertips. 




"Join the E-revolution at YOUR Library"        Pg.1
Two Tips

New Mexico Historical Review                       Pg. 2
Indian Country Today
Lapidary Journal

The American Historical Review                     Pg. 3

UNM Taos New Acquisitions                            Pg. 4