The application for UNM-Taos to start an Associate Degree in Science Nursing Program (ADN-RN) in the fall of 2009 has been approved by the New Mexico Board of Nursing. Coming soon will be a new nursing program website with information on the application, program requirements, TEAS testing and CPR certification.
Currently, a program information sheet listing pre-requisites and course content is available from:
Kathy Falkenhagen MSN, RN, Director of Nursing 575-741-1367
Mario Suazo, Nursing Advisor 575-737-6200
Damon Montclare Nursing Advisor 575-737-6290
The goal of the UNM-Taos ADN-RN nursing program is to assist individuals in Northern New Mexico to be able to stay in the community. This will be accomplished by students attending all classes on UNM-Taos campus, participating in clinical experiences in the area, graduating and having the opportunity to stay in the area to work.
UNM-Taos has a complete nursing educational facility located at the UNM-Taos Med Center location (across the street from Holy Cross Hospital) containing a classroom, clinical lab and office space for faculty. These facilities will be utilized by the UNM-Taos ADN-RN program
The curriculum will extend over a consecutive 4 semester time frame. Many of the pre-requisites can be taken as dual credit courses in the Taos high schools .Students with previous college degrees will be evaluated individually. The curriculum shall provide instruction in the discipline of nursing, appropriate to the RN level, across the lifespan and include content relevant to national and local health care needs.
Clinical experience shall provide opportunities for application of theory client care setting, and shall include clinical learning experience to develop nursing skills required for safe practice. Holy Cross Hospital will be used as the primary site, along with the numerous clinics, Mountain Home Health Care, the Taos Living Center and outpatient facilities.
In collaboration with Holy Cross Hospital, UNM-Taos is excited to begin this new era in providing a high quality ADN-RN Nursing Program which will serve the nursing needs of the Northern New Mexico region.